2021 Denton Municipal Electric Solar Rebates Still Available!
Denton Municipal Electric (DME) rewards its customers who perform qualifying energy efficiency and conservation improvements. The Program is to help reduce energy demand and consumption by promoting energy conservation, thereby reducing the utility bills of City customers, reducing the peak load of the City’s electric system, and reducing emissions in the state. The following rebates are available through Sustainable Denton and DME. All DME customers including residential (single family & multifamily) and commercial are eligible to receive rebates and incentives.
Solar PV Only
3.0kW to 5.0kW $0.80 per AC Watt
5.1kW to 10.0kW $0.60 per AC Watt
Above 10.1kW $0.40 per AC Watt
Solar PV + Battery Storage
3.0kW to 5.0kW $1.20 per AC Watt
5.1kW to 10.0kW $0.90 per AC Watt
Above 10.1kW $0.60 per AC Watt
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